After all these years....
                           Electrical is still electrical. 


                                                       5698 Stacy Trail

                                                       Stacy MN, 55079             

About Arvissi Electrical Inc.'s owner:   Hello my name is Ronson, and I'm the owner/operator of Arvissi Electrical Inc.  Born and raised on a Stacy Minnesota hobby farm.  My father was a custom metal fabricator, and a do-it yourself all around fix-it kind of guy.  Not many mechanical challenges were placed in front of him that he couldn't find a solution for.  Mom was always trying to instill in us the use of our imagination in everything we do.  As well as the importance of taking the time to be creative.  Introducing art, and music anytime she could.  Needless to say, my mother is an artist.  Thanks mom and dad for all the traits you have given us.  At age 18 I was provided with an opportunity to join an electrical apprenticeship program.  Later working as an electrician for a variety of different types of electrical contractors. 

After thirteen years of working in the electrical trade, and now being self-employed.   A can-do attitude, great customer service, and extensive old wiring experience are key attributes of a successful small electrical contractor.   In this trade, there are not a lot of differences between one experienced electrician and another. Except when we are discussing older homes, and remodeling projects. Old home experience means less labor involved for the same project.  Arvissi Electrical is a personable, reasonably priced company.  We understand the importance of keeping a tight, reliable schedule, and with experienced installations without opening up walls, or ceilings. Basically, our crew will not leave your home a disaster area.  By the way, you will not be paying for high overhead.  Arvissi Electrical guarantees you will be satisfied with our work, and prices.  We are looking forward to your customer recommendations, and friendship.